Hello! My name is Yelena Adelman and I will be Rosh (director) of MBI this summer! I grew up just
outside of Ann Arbor, Michigan and started going to Machaneh Tavor in 1999. I was a madricha
(counselor) at Tavor from 2004 to 2007 and was an MBI madricha in 2008. After graduating from the University of Michigan in 2008, I worked in the central office of HDNA for two years before coming to Israel as a Workshop (Habonim’s year long program for 18 year olds) madricha in 2010. I am currently living in a kvutzah in Haifa and working as an educator with chanichim from Habonim Dror Australia who are on Shnat (Habonim Australia’s year long program). I am also busy working with Ben (technical director) and Hyla (educational director) to prepare for this upcoming summer. I had a wonderful time working on MBI in 2008 and am very excited to be running MBI this summer!
Hi. My name is Ben Yossef and I am this summer’s techni (technical director). I grew up in Jerusalem and started going to the ken of Hanoar Haoved V’Halomed (Habonim’s sister youth movement in Israel) when I was ten years old. I worked as a madrich on MBI in 2008 and then was a British Shnat (Habonim England’s year long program) madrich in 2008-2009. I have continued to work with chanichim from Habonim by working with North American, British, and Australian Shnat chanichim over the last 2 years. I was also Techni on MBI last summer. Yelena and I were co-madrichim on MBI in 2008 and I am very excited for us to be working on MBI together again and to be spending a third year working on MBI!
Hey, I am Hyla and I am going to be chinuch (educational director) for the summer’s MBI! I grew up in Hamilton Ontario (near Toronto) and I went to Machaneh Gesher from 1999 to 2011! I was on the Mazkirut at Gesher in 2009, I worked on MBI in 2010 and I was a Madatz Madricha at Gesher last summer. I made aliyah in the fall of this year and I live with my kvutzah in Haifa. I just finished ulpan (Hebrew classes) and I cannot wait for MBI to begin!