Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25

Today was the third day of kvutsah time and spent learning about the kibbutz movement
and Habonim's role within it historically. The group visited Kibbutz Deganya, the first kibbutz,
founded in 1910. Here the day was Habonim graduates. They began with an activity about
the kibbutz movement, its founding, what their vision was for Israel and the contributions
made throughout its history. You may not know this, but at their peak, kibbutzim held over
10% of Israel’s entire population! They also had an oversized role in politics, since the sharing
of resources meant that they could make a large collective effort to shape Israel. The MBIers
also discussed the changes kibbutzim have been experiencing in recent decades, including the
unexpected exodus of children from kibbutzim and the coming to power of governing coalitions
that were unfriendly to the kibbutzim. They also got a tour of the kibbutz, a chance to speak
with a kibbutz member and an opportunity to eat lunch at the kibbutz.

One more fun fact. Kibbutz membership reached an all-time high this year, as reported by
Israeli newspaper Haaretz, due to the increasing numbers of people returning to the kibbutzim
in which they were born and raised. They’re attracted to the close-knit, supportive and serene
communities as a place to raise their own children.

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